Asylos invites you to improve the quality of country of origin information (COI) for vulnerable groups of asylum-seekers.

We recently published our report Sudan: Children and Young People, which was made possible with the kind support of the Trust for London.

This project will conclude with free training webinars on Country of Origin Information (COI), which will be held throughout Autumn 2024. For registration and more details, please click here.

We are now pleased to announce we are working on our next Strategic report, in which we are currently scoping a new case study.

We therefore are inviting you to assist us in identifying further Country of Origin Information gaps. We would be grateful if you could fill out the short survey below. Kindly note that if you prefer, you can also email the Programme Manager (Fatima Ali) at [email protected] by the close of business by Friday, 13 September 2024.

We look forward to receiving your topic suggestions, and please share the survey with your network.

Access survey